Samurai Movers

5 Common Moving Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


Moving to a new home is an exciting yet challenging experience. While the prospect of starting fresh in a new place is exhilarating, the process of packing, transporting, and settling in can be overwhelming. One small mistake can lead to unnecessary stress and complications. This blog aims to identify five common moving mistakes and offer practical solutions to help you have a smooth and stress-free move.

Mistake 1: Procrastinating on Packing

The Problem:

We’ve all been there—putting off packing until the last possible moment, thinking we have plenty of time. However, this procrastination often leads to rushed packing, forgotten items, and increased stress levels.

The Solution:

Start packing as early as possible. Create a packing schedule that breaks down the process into manageable tasks. For example, you can start by packing seasonal items and things you rarely use. Gradually work your way to daily essentials as the moving day approaches. This approach not only reduces stress but also allows you to declutter and decide what to keep, donate, or discard.

Mistake 2: Skimping on Packing Supplies

The Problem:

Using poor-quality packing supplies or not having enough of them can result in damaged belongings. Many people underestimate the number of boxes, rolls of tape, and bubble wrap they’ll need, leading to last-minute scrambles.

The Solution:

Invest in high-quality packing supplies. Make a list of all the materials you’ll need, including various sizes of boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and markers for labeling. It’s better to have extra supplies than to run out in the middle of packing. Consider using specialized boxes for fragile items and wardrobe boxes for clothes to keep them wrinkle-free.

Mistake 3: Failing to Label Boxes

The Problem:

Unlabeled or poorly labeled boxes can create chaos during the unpacking process. You’ll waste time searching for specific items and may even end up opening every box to find what you need.

The Solution:

Label each box clearly with its contents and the room it belongs to. You can also use a color-coding system, where each room has a designated color. Place labels on the sides of the boxes, so they are visible even when stacked. For boxes containing fragile items, make sure to mark them as “Fragile” and indicate which side should face up.

Mistake 4: Not Researching Moving Companies

The Problem:

Choosing a moving company without adequate research can result in poor service, hidden fees, or even scams. Your belongings are valuable, and entrusting them to an unreliable company can be risky.

The Solution:

Do thorough research before selecting a moving company. Look for reviews, ask for recommendations from friends or family, and check the company’s credentials. Always get multiple quotes and read the fine print before signing any contracts. Make sure the company is licensed and insured, and don’t hesitate to ask questions about their service, fees, and insurance coverage.

Mistake 5: Forgetting to Notify Important Parties

The Problem:

In the hustle and bustle of moving, it’s easy to forget to notify utilities, postal services, and other important parties about your change of address. This oversight can result in missed bills, service interruptions, and other complications.

The Solution:

Create a checklist of all the parties you need to notify about your move. This list should include utility companies, banks, insurance providers, and the postal service. Start notifying them at least two weeks before your move to ensure a smooth transition. Most services offer online options for updating your address, making the process even more convenient.


Moving doesn’t have to be a stressful experience if you avoid these common mistakes. By starting early, investing in quality packing supplies, labeling boxes, researching moving companies, and notifying important parties, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free move.

Call to Action

If you’re planning a move and want to ensure it’s as smooth as possible, consider hiring professionals like us at Samurai Movers. We offer a range of services, from residential to commercial moves, and even packing services to make your move hassle-free. Contact us today at (303) 872-8480 or email us at for a free estimate.

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