Samurai Movers

8 PACKING TIPS – top moving company in colorado



Packing for a move is not the most enjoyable process, but with these helpful packing tips from Samurai Movers will make this easier.


1. Declutter first

Decluttering before a move is an important process that you should take the time to plan out. Start by identifying what items really need and those which can go away, then work on decluttering as much as possible in advance so your packing efforts will be more manageable when it’s finally time for loading up!

2. Buy quality moving boxes

New, quality moving boxes are designed for specific types of items. They will be more durable and an efficient way to move your belongings because they come in standardized sizes that make it easier on you! Don’t give into the temptation of using free or used boxes when there’s a better alternative – use new ones instead which ensures durability as well as helping with load distribution by making sure each box can hold while preventing any damage during transport due its heavy weight design.

3. Pack a little each day

Packing can be a daunting task when you have to think of everything at once. Breaking down into two steps will make this process much easier and more manageable by allowing yourself some extra time in between each step, with the aim being that if there’s something left over from one part then either bring or use for later! The longer you wait before completing packing, the harder tomorrow becomes instead of getting things done today they’ll just keep accumulating until its too late so take care now while looking ahead.

4. Don’t overpack or under pack

One more item, surely it will fit. Your box should close easily, and the sides shouldn’t bulge out too much or they’ll break when you try to stack them on top of each other with heavier items inside! Remember: overpacked boxes are harder for movers to handle than ones that have been carefully packed from all angles so take care not just in filling up empty space but also what’s going into those gaps between larger things – use packing paper first then clothing/foam peanuts if necessary.

5. Breakables

Pack you china, crystal and other breakables with care. Use specially designed boxes for the fragile items so they are not damaged in transit. Remember – Always make sure ceramic dishes have plenty of padding around them when shipping! Never risk breaking an expensive piece by packing too tightly or at uneven angles or else risk further damaging your package upon arrival at its destination.

6. NO FLAMMABLE, Hazardous, & corrosive material

By law, the moving companies are not allowed to transport flammable or hazardous materials. This includes paint, paint thinner, fire extinguishers, lawn mower with gasoline, gas tanks for grills, etc. Check with a moving company to ensure that they can and are willing to move the items. Either dispose of the items or move them carefully in your vehicle.

7. Color code your boxes.

Creating room labels is an excellent way to keep your moving process organized. You can use different colored tape, markers or labels to make sure that you mark out which items belong in what areas without having any confusion about where they go! Then the movers will just match up your colors when it comes time for moving day so everything goes smoothly.

8. Pack essentials seperately

Pack your essentials separately, as a separate box, plastic tote, or suitcase. Label it with the word “essential” and put them in one central location of the house. Essentials should include bedding/towels; personal items like toothbrush & comb; clothes – anything you might need in the next couple of days.

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